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Benefits of Proactive Culvert Cleaning

As summer heats up, so do thunderstorms. This can mean sudden inundation of heavy rain, increasing the risk of dangerous flooding for your assets. Flooding is a serious issue that is exacerbated by blocked culverts which can cause road collapse resulting in trapped residents at best and loss of life at worst. To stay ahead of the game, a proactive culvert condition assessment and cleaning plan helps prevent dangerous roadway flooding.

Reactive Culvert Cleaning Has a High Price Tag

Culverts can be difficult to access, making it easy to put off regularly assessing their condition. Unfortunately, with this approach asset managers only become aware of blocked culverts when a storm rolls in. By then it’s too late to prevent dangerous flooding or road collapse.

Addressing emergencies is paramount but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t challenging. Multiple high-stakes events can quickly exhaust staff, equipment, and budgets. Tasks get backlogged and expenses can mount including:

  • Labor costs in the form of wages and benefits for the crew members who work on the emergency mobilization.
  • Equipment costs such as renting or deploying any necessary equipment like excavators, dump trucks, or bulldozers.
  • Transportation costs include transporting the crew and equipment to the job site.
  • Overtime pay can be a factor if the emergency mobilization requires work outside of normal business hours.
  • Permits and fees might be required to carry out the emergency mobilization.
  • Material costs can include any materials needed for the job such as sand, gravel, or concrete.

Proactive Culvert Cleaning Saves Time, Money, and Lives

For years, PILLAR has helped municipalities and DOTs manage assets.  In addition to our planning and execution expertise, we have tools that makes it easy to collect geospatial data in underground assets. We deploy the DeepTrekker 240 L Pipe Crawler robot to safely and efficiently identify culvert conditions and possible flaws. It’s portable, submersible, and can access areas that are difficult or unsafe for humans to enter.  Its rugged design and camera with full functionality give you complete control of your data collection and assessment.

When you combine this tool with a management plan created specifically for culverts in your service area, you’ll have a proactive plan that allows you to schedule crews to maintain culverts regular hours in good weather. You’ll likely experience less flooding and safer roadways too.

This planned approach saves you time and money because you’ll have less backlogged tasks and unplanned expense related to crisis management. And your team will love the culture of sustainability that develops as a result.

Contact PILLAR

Creating a proactive plan for your transportation assets doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With our decades of combined experience, PILLAR can help you stay in front of potential emergencies like clogged culverts. Book a discovery meeting with PILLAR to learn more about how we can help you develop a systematic solution for your transportation infrastructure.

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The Road to Zero Fatalities in 2023

National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy cast a vision of zero fatalities as the standard metric by which transportation safety is measured during her keynote speech at this year’s Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting 

“Plenty of people think that zero deaths is an unrealistic goal,” Ms. Homendy noted. But she pointed out that any transportation fatality is a tragedy. “We must care about the safety of strangers…because it’s the right thing to do.”  

Steps Toward Zero Fatalities  

Ms. Homendy’s stirring speech inspired transportation industry professionals to consider the ways in which they could work toward the goal of zero fatalities within their area of responsibility. While advances in technology and equipment have created great leaps in highway safety, it’s often the routine maintenance tasks that make the difference. These tasks can include: 

  • Ensuring assets are in a state of good repair. 
  • Installing guardrails properly and inspecting them regularly. 
  • Installing wrong way detection devices. 
  • Maintaining markings for all lanes (vehicle and bike/pedestrian) keeping them bright and vibrant. 
  • Replacing faded or illegible signs and ensuring they are retroreflective. 
  • Repairing damaged pavement and staying ahead of potholes. 
  • Keeping drains open to prevent back up and reduce the possibility of flooding.  

The tasks are straightforward, but they are rarely simple. Transportation asset management is a complex job with an ever-changing set of demands. Creating and executing a regular maintenance schedule is more difficult than it sounds. And that’s where Pillar can help. 

How Pillar Can Help You Keep Roads Safe 

PILLAR is an asset management firm comprised of multidisciplined professionals with decades of tactical, strategic, and operational experts who are ethically committed to the well-being and safety of the public.  

We deploy our proven CAPE method for every client to help them avoid pitfalls and overextended budgets. Through collection, assessment, planning, and execution, they have powerful data to create a systematic planning and management program, be intentional about their asset management, and reduce fatalities on the road. Here’s how it works: 

Collection: PILLAR’s collection process combines cutting-edge technology with time-proven approaches. We will collect all existing and new data and normalize it with the tools you’re already using. 

Assessment: Using a combination of modern technology and hands-on field experience, we can accurately evaluate the condition of your assets. 

Planning: We can help with asset management planning. Our data-driven strategies clearly address your assets’ maintenance needs to help you secure necessary funding and close the skill gap for your company. 

Execution: PILLAR’s execution process uses the best-equipped Operations and Maintenance managers to help reduce skill gaps, address public concerns, handle financial adversity, manage and monitor contractors, inspect jobs, and adjust existing plans. 

Contact Us 

Ms. Homendy emphasized, “Safety, especially when it comes to new policies new transportation policies and new technologies whether it’s on our roads in the air or anywhere throughout our transportation system, cannot be overlooked ever.”  

We couldn’t agree more. Contact us today to see how we can help you work toward the goal of zero fatalities in your transportation infrastructure. 

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Are Your Guardrails Potentially Deadly? Here’s How to Fix It

Guardrails are meant to keep drivers safe on the highways, but improper installation practices make guardrails yet another life-threatening hazard for motorists. 

What are Frankensteined Guardrails?

In the spring of 2020, high school senior Isabella Alonzo was killed after crashing into a guardrail on a Georgia highway. Instead of cushioning the impact, the ‘Frankensteined’ guardrail impaled her car. Like the famous monster, the guardrail was assembled from parts made by different manufacturers.

Frankensteined guardrails occur when a guardrail and a terminal are mixed-and-matched. This practice is against federal guidelines because guardrails are engineered to collapse on impact. When guardrails are piecemealed together from disparate parts, the guardrail may not collapse and instead pierce a vehicle moving at highway speeds.

How to Correct Frankensteined Guardrails

The first step in correcting Frankensteined guardrails is to conduct an inspection of all the guardrails in your asset inventory. These guardrails may be difficult to spot for the untrained eye, but experts have no trouble identifying the potential dangers. For example, PILLAR’s guardrail experts are familiar with installation practices of various types of guardrail systems and can quickly and easily identify Frankensteined or damaged guardrails.

You may consider engaging an infrastructure asset management firm with technological capabilities to conduct a thorough inspection of all your guardrails. At PILLAR, we’re equipped to handle the most complex data collection. Not only can PILLAR perform a manual survey, but we can also leverage data collection from the air through our mobile LiDAR, spherical images, and point cloud technology. This comprehensive method is quick, efficient and prevents dangerous guardrails from being overlooked.

It is imperative to correct any Frankensteined guardrails as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary loss of life. If your current roadside crew is stretched thin, PILLAR provides boots-on-the-ground support to rapidly address safety issues, keep you in compliance with federal guidelines, and reduce the danger to motorists.

Contact PILLAR

Frankensteined guardrails pose a deadly threat to the public, but PILLAR can help. We are a firm of multidisciplined professionals with decades of tactical, strategic, and operational experts who are ethically committed to the well-being and safety of the public. From data collection to staff augmentation PILLAR can help optimize your asset management. Our team of experts is eager to speak with you; contact us today!

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PILLAR Helps VDOT Dramatically Reduce Nutrient Credit Cost

As you traveled Virginia’s roadways this summer, did you notice taller grass and wildflowers in the right-of-ways? It’s not an oversight.

As part of its overall commitment to implementing sustainable approaches to managing Virginia’s roadway system, VDOT implemented a right-of-way maintenance program that significantly reduced mowing and converted eligible right-of-way spaces into beneficial land uses such as meadowland or pollinator habitats. The root systems of plants and grasses allowed to grow in the right-of-way capture nitrogen, phosphorous, and other harmful nutrients and prevent them from polluting waterways in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Additionally, this practice reduces emissions and fuel use from mowing equipment and provides much-needed habitat for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators crucial to our ecosystem. 

Why is this so important?

The Chesapeake Bay Watershed was once primarily comprised of forest and wetlands that absorbed and filtered harmful nutrients and balanced the ecosystem. Today, 18 million people call the Chesapeake Bay watershed home, along with industry, businesses, and farms. The watershed is crisscrossed with roads that are an essential part of daily living but carry a serious environmental impact as stormwater runs off pavement and into waterways that feed into the Chesapeake Bay. High levels of nitrogen and phosphorous fuel algae growth, blocking sunlight from underwater grasses and reducing the amount of available oxygen to marine life.

VDOT Stormwater Management Tools

VDOT operates under a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit issued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) which provides regulations to protect and improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay by requiring the implementation of stormwater controls, including effective land use management practices such as right of way conversion.

To cover the cost of offsetting impacts that cannot be fully mitigated, VDOT is required to purchase what is called nutrient credits from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.

PILLAR Helps VDOT Quantify the Positive Impact of Right of Way Conversion

VDOT’s stormwater management consultant, Stantec, informed VDOT that the right-of-way dedicated to sustainable practices qualified for a reduction in the amount of stormwater controls or nutrient credits VDOT would need to implement or purchase. However, to achieve a reduction, VDOT had to quantify the total area of right-of-way included in the sustainability program.

PILLAR provided the solution by using mobile LiDAR to scan and collect data on more than 775 miles of roadway and right of way in the VDOT Districts draining to the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Using PILLAR’s proprietary real-time Fully Automatic Feature Extraction System (AFES) to extract the data, PILLAR quantified the amount of right-of-way under VDOT’s right-of-way sustainability program.

The result?

The amount of right-of-way in VDOT’s sustainable maintenance program was so significant that it dramatically reduced the cost of implementing stormwater controls and nutrient credit purchases, saving VDOT and the citizens of Virginia millions of dollars.

PILLAR is proud to have been recognized for our efforts to support environmental stewardship and how their maintenance plans positively impact the environment. Contact us to learn more about how our technology can help support environmental preservation efforts.

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It’s True! We Have Fully Automated Feature Extraction

Access to high-quality data is essential to maintaining the integrity of your transportation assets, but ensuring your data is ready to use can be time-consuming and frustrating.  PILLAR’s proprietary automated feature extraction system (AFES™) delivers a truly automated solution. When you work with us, you’ll never have to spend countless hours formatting data, scrolling through overlapping pictures on your point cloud identifying, clicking, and linking assets. 

Fully Automated Feature Extraction

Maybe you’ve worked with a tool that promised automated extraction only to be disappointed with the results. While many companies claim to offer highly automated products, PILLAR is the only company to offer a true, fully automated feature extraction solution by employing mobile LiDAR to gather and AFES™ to process data.

Gather Data Faster

Our imagery scanning technology powers data collection at highway speeds to give you an impressive and detailed understanding at the street level. Our technology includes:

  • 360-degree spherical
  • 6 – 5MP cameras – 30MP
  • Drone aerial collection
  • Faster data collection: laser collection at posted speed limits enables the ability to scale.
  • Street-level imagery: snapshots of roadways during data collection.
  • Global view of infrastructure assets

Extract Features Instantly

We use machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computer vision to process your data as it is gathered. Our technology extracts more than 20 asset types from mobile LiDAR data, including but not limited to:

  • Signs
  • Bridge Clearances
  • Ditches
  • Guardrails
  • Mowing Acreage
  • Overhead Utilities
  • Trees
  • Striping

Your data is delivered in standard GIS formats, shape files, and geodatabases, but we’ve got system-specific formats covered too. You can easily convert data into system-specific formats through data integration and conversion. We also export data visualizations using a colorized point cloud, JPG, video files, and more so you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Contact Us Today

With fully automatic feature extraction of our mobile LiDAR, you’ll save time, money, and stress. If you’re ready to reduce cost and time up to tenfold, contact us today and set up your demonstration. 

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Virginia’s Tie to National Work Zone Awareness Week

This year, PILLAR is celebrating 20 years of ethical commitment to the well-being and safety of the public through transportation asset management.  During our two decades of work, we’ve partnered with transportation departments and roadside workers at both the state and national level and witnessed their tremendous dedication firsthand.  To celebrate PILLAR’s 20th anniversary, recognize our excellent partners, and remember those who lost their lives in work zones, PILLAR made a donation to the National Work Zone Traveling Memorial.  

The Work Zone Traveling Memorial is an integral part of the National Work Zone Awareness Week and is inscribed with more than 1,600 names of individuals who lost their lives in America’s roadside work zones.  Our donation will support memorial visits in locations all over the country and bring awareness to the importance of safety for roadside workers.

Because safety is an integral part of PILLAR’s mission, we observe National Work Zone Awareness every year.  We’re proud to partner with the national leader in work zone safety awareness, VDOT’s Bristol District.  In 1997, VDOT’s Bristol District spearheaded the country’s first Work Zone Awareness Week.  Bristol’s idea quickly gained traction and by the next year, VDOT launched a statewide campaign to encourage both employees and the public to reduce safety hazards to roadside workers.  Thanks to the hard work and dedication of leaders in Virginia’s transportation sector, a national campaign was launched just two years later in 2000. 

Virginia’s leadership toward work zone safety has made America’s work zones safer.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, the number of work zone fatalities has decreased in the United States every year since 2002.

The Work Zone Traveling Memorial will stop in Virginia during National Work Zone Awareness Week April 11-15, 2022.  This year and every year, PILLAR is proud to support respect and safety in America’s roadside work zones. Please follow these 8 tips on navigating highway work zones.

8 Points to Follow When Navigating Highway Work Zones

  1. Expect the unexpected
  2. Follow the signs
  3. Don’t tailgate
  4. Don’t speed
  5. Never change lanes in a work zone
  6. Focus and minimize distractions
  7. Be patient
  8. Know before you go by dialing 511 for traffic information

For additional information on work zone safety and distracted driving please visit these links:

Virginia DMV General Distracted Driving

National Safety Council Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Drive Smart Virginia’s Distracted Driving Outreach and Education Toolkit

National Work Zone Awareness Safety Week Information

Handheld Personal Communication Devices Policy Information

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Early Spring is for Waterway Pipe Assessments

Out of sight, out of mind can be a costly error when it comes to your transportation assets. The health of your infrastructure is dependent on more than the condition of your visible assets. It relies on the functionality of an entire below-ground network of pipes and waterways that manage stormwater required to keep roadways safe.

The spring season is optimal to access and inventory underground systems and confined spaces due to the reduced vegetation. Known for its practical and innovative approach to data collection of above-ground assets, PILLAR leverages technology and staff expertise to make inventory and assessment of underground assets more efficient and complete.

Taking inventory

PILLAR’s Pipe Crawler robot safely and efficiently identifies pipe conditions and possible flaws. It’s portable, submersible, and can access areas, helping the operator see potential issues beyond human reach.

A complete inventory of underground assets makes digging associated with maintenance and construction safer and more efficient for municipalities and departments of transportation.

How to use the data

Once an underground assessment has been made, PILLAR can help you build out a project plan that takes pipe collection and management into account.

With pipe inventory and conditions stored in your geospatial software, you’ll be able to assess future project plans. The condition of drainage pipes and structures can help with resiliency plans, understand potential flaws in new sewer lines, and help map stormwater management.

Contact PILLAR today to find out how you can utilize the Pipe Crawler for your next project assessment.

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Meet the PILLAR Team Online and In-Person at Upcoming Events

Over the next few months, members of the PILLAR team will be on the road at various tradeshows and conferences. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn more about the company’s approach to infrastructure asset management and how it can help organizations save time, save money, and save lives.

Our unique approach merges technology with specialist expertise to maximize efforts, justify budgets, and reduce risk, thereby delivering greater sustainability and longevity of your transportation assets.

The PILLAR team would love to share more information with you. Make sure to say hello if you see us in person or online at one of these upcoming events.

If you’d like to discuss ways to save time, money, lives, and face (by preventing public outcry in the case of a disaster), contact us to schedule a meeting during one of these events at or (276) 223-0500.

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Virginia State Highway Performance Ranking Leaps to #2 Nationally

The PILLAR Team congratulates the Virginia Department of Transportation for earning the nation’s #2 best highway performance ranking. Virginia operates the third-largest DOT network in the nation and handed in an impressive 19-position improvement in the 26th Annual Highway Report from the Reason Foundation.

Virginia moved up the ranks in several areas, including improving 24 positions for capital and bridge disbursements, improving 15 positions for maintenance disbursements, and improving 17 positions for urbanized area congestion.

Cost-effective Maintenance & Operations

Virginia’s highway system is considered one of the most cost-effective highway systems in the country.

“States with high ratings typically have better-than-average system conditions (good for road users) along with relatively low per-mile expenditures (good for taxpayers),” according to the Reason Foundation annual report.

PILLAR has been a trusted partner of VDOT for nearly 10 years, serving as its contractor for Statewide Maintenance Consulting Services.

“The PILLAR Team is proud to support VDOT in its continuous quest for excellence through best management practices and innovative transportation management solutions,” said PILLAR President Mark Boenke.

How PILLAR partners with VDOT

PILLAR supports VDOT in several ways, providing information that will save time, money, lives, and credibility.

A Penny Saved is A Penny Earned

PILLAR utilized its mobile LiDAR and conventional and traditional survey methods to gather dimensions on overhead signage that needed replacing in VDOT District 1. By defining accurate dimensions, PILLAR determined the existing support structure could be utilized for the new sign, saving significant time and money for VDOT.

Creating Efficiency from Field to Office

PILLAR georeferenced plan sheets to locate the position of pipes along the I-95 corridor in Caroline, Spotsylvania, and Stafford counties for VODT’s Fredericksburg District Office. This enabled VDOT field personnel to easily locate pipes when performing inspections. Ultimately, saving time and money.

Environmentally Friendly Asset Management Solutions 

PILLAR helped the VDOT Staunton District save $12.9 million in mitigation projects and nitrogen-credit purchases, also earning the district the Environmental Stewardship award. The efforts allowed VDOT to reallocate money to other critical needs throughout the district.

The project used an innovative approach. It took PILLAR’s LiDAR-based mapping for mowing management and helped save the district millions annually in converting interstate rights-of-way into pollinator habitats.

What PILLAR can do for you

What sets PILLAR apart is our CAPE approach.

That’s our Collection, Assessment, Planning, and Execution (CAPE) approach that intersects technology with our expertise to tailor asset management plans for program funding, public outcry, and improved services.

We advise state agencies and provide plans that avoid potential pitfalls and save money.

“Our staff augmentation helps improve knowledge and experience to achieve a high maintenance rating program (MRP) with average scores in the low-to-mid 90s,” Boenke said.

Contact PILLAR today to get started on improving your maintenance and performance rating.

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Endangered Bat Species and LiDAR: PILLAR Technology is Mapping Conservation Efforts

PILLAR works with departments of transportation, environmental, and engineering firms to better understand the condition of infrastructure in challenging environments. LiDAR (mobile light detection and ranging) is an advanced technology that goes beyond just providing detailed maps: the data can be used to influence critical decisions to protect critical wildlife habitats.

PILLAR’s recent project at a bridge in southwestern Virginia highlights the effectiveness of LiDAR for mapping conservation efforts and managing transportation infrastructure.

LiDAR Applied to Wildlife Conservation: A Case Study

Scientists learned that the endangered gray bat and the more common big brown bat, were using this man-made structure for roosting purposes, yet engineers needed to assess the bridge’s operating conditions and schedule routine maintenance. Gray bats are listed by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) and the US Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) as endangered, and upwards of 10,000 gray bats find refuge in the bridge from April through October as a maternity roosting site.

A cluster of gray bats roosting under a southwestern Virginia bridge.

The Virginia Department of Transportation along with biologists from Stantec Consulting Services, entrusted PILLAR to accurately survey the bridge with noninvasive LiDAR technology and collect data on the structure, while also preserving the bats’ habitat and wellbeing. In approximately one hour, PILLAR engineers had safely completed their survey, and biologists studied about 200 gray bats in their natural habitat.   

Experts from PILLAR teamed with biologists from Stantec to survey the bridge accurately and quickly without disrupting the roosting areas of the gray and big brown bats.

A Positive Impact

Noninvasive and accurate, PILLAR’s approach using LiDAR and its proprietary Automated Feature Extraction System (AFES) safeguards sensitive ecosystems and wildlife habitats while collecting the required data. This data then helps officials develop environmentally sensitive approaches to infrastructure maintenance planning.

Contact us at or (276) 223-0500 to discuss PILLAR’s mobile LiDAR solutions and how next-generation asset management technology can enhance your next survey project.