VDOT District 4 Guardrail Scan
This mobile LiDAR scan gathered guardrail length inventory and assessed its condition in accordance with VDOT’s Maintenance Rating program. This data enables VDOT to develop a maintenance plan, allocate the work force and secure a budget for the project.

VDOT District 8 Mowing Acreage Scan
Using mobile LiDAR and our automatic feature extraction tools, we determined Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Staunton District’s Interstate mowing acreage for all of their mowing scenarios. From paritial to full width and tractor to slope to hand mowing, we calculated the acreages from the post-processed and extracted LiDAR point cloud. We also produced shape files and corresponding GIS attributes identifying each mowing area for VDOT’s database.

VDOT District 2 Inventory Collection
PILLAR utilized decades-old plan sheets, LiDAR scanning technology, and crews on the ground with an iPad and InfraTrak to conduct inventory and assess more than 40 asset types on interstates and U.S. highways in the Salem Districts. Assets inventoried included 4,700 signs, 1,198 guardrail terminals, 1,088 drop inlet catch basins, 828 light poles, 408 pavement messages, and 205 miles of longitudinal guardrail. The Virginia Department of Transportation took this information and used it for the development of its work plans and budgets.

VDOT District 6 Pipe Assessment
PILLAR collected inventory and assessed the condition of all the drainage pipe and structures located along the I-95 corridor (mainline and ramps) in Caroline, Spotsylvania, and Stafford Counties for Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Fredericksburg District Office. PILLAR’s office personnel geo-referenced design plan sheets to obtain the initial GPS position of the structures into a GIS database.

Overhead Signs
VDOT District 1 needed to quantify several large overhead signs along the interstate which were scheduled for replacement. They required us to gather the dimensions as well the wording on the current signs so new signs can be fabricated to match the existing sign. This allowed VDOT to swap out the signs without having to change or modify the support structure. We initially obtained the information via mobile LiDAR and verified measurements utilizing conventional and traditional survey methods.

Richmond Bridge
VDOT District 4 uses PILLAR employees to assist in verifying recommended repairs identified in the NBIS reports and ensuring those repairs are made. The work is on bridges throughout the district primarily on primary and secondary roads. Our responsibilities include verifying work, labor, material quantities, and traffic control restrictions as well as being a liaison to the Department and providing recommendations on repairs due to changed field conditions.

Progress Park – Lot 12 Rail
PILLAR’s inspection department was hired by Wythe County to inspect and oversee the installation of a rail spur line into the county’s industrial park. We performed site visits and provided progress reports with payment qualities to ensure the job was done to specifications.

Progress Park – Reed Creek Interceptor Sewage Line
Wythe County hired PILLAR to inspect the installation of a new sewer line and pump station from Progress Park to an existing main. We observed the installation, testing, water monitoring of the new line, reviewed the contractor’s pay schedule for accuracy and provided daily logs of progress and material documentation, as well as helped solve problems in the field. Special construction circumstances included boring under both Norfolk & Southern Railroad and Reed Creek.

Wythe County 20″ Water Line Extension
PILLAR was contracted to monitor and inspect the installation and final work product of a new 20-inch water line which will eventually tie into the Austinville Water Plant and service Wythe County’s industrial park. We observed installation, testing, and water monitoring, while provided guidance to help solve issues in the field. PILLAR reviewed the contractor’s pay schedule for accuracy and provided daily logs of progress and material documentation.

Progress Park – Gator Lane
PILLAR’s inspection department was hired by Wythe County to inspect and oversee the construction of a new road leading to the Gatorade Processing Plant in the Progress Park industrial park. The project also included a railroad crossing. PILLAR conducted site visits and provided progress reports with payment qualities to the county.

VIR Bridge
There is an overpass bridge at Virginia International Raceway that carries pedestrians and vehicles from the entrance to the paddocks, parking and race spectator areas. Made out of three steel flatbed railcars laid side to side, the structure rests on a concrete backwall. PILLAR was hired to perform a structural inspection to note the condition of observable elements and provide suggested maintenance treatments.

Salem Pavement Engineering
Through our statewide maintenance consulting services contract, PILLAR provided the VDOT Salem District Pavement Office with personnel to assist its pavement engineer. Personnel performed many tasks, including: input and maintenance of all pavement data for routes in the district; maintenance of Highway Traffic Records Information System and Pavement Management System; coordinating pavement performance testing; and assisting in Wet Accident Reduction Program investigations.

USDA Rural Development Inspections
PILLAR, Inc. was contracted by the USDA to provide construction inspection services on an as-needed basis and provided all resources necessary to accomplish the required services for a 12 month period throughout various areas within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The inspection services included observing on-site construction in progress to verify how the work was proceeding; recording all building components, construction practices, and material storage/delivery practices which may not be in compliance.

Underground Stormwater Chamber Inspections
PILLAR, Inc. performed a visual and structural inspection and developed as-built mapping of Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) underground stormwater management basins located along Route 23 bypass in Norton, VA. We produced reports by documenting basin condition through pictures and notes and developed a repair design for one of the structures. We utilized our confined space entry training and protocol along with air quality meter readings.

Risk Management & Consulting
Risk Management & Consulting – Pillar provides consultative services to Invincia Insurance & Towne Bank to Risk Management & Consulting for risk assessment and risk improvement. Long term relationships have been built to assist clients with developing their programs, addressing compliance issues, regulatory interpretation and other avenues of specialty assistance. Customized training is provided in areas such as: • Fall Protection • Confined Space Entry • Fork Lift Operator training & refresher • Defensive Driving for Commercial Fleets

Safety Program Management
Safety Program Management – Pillar represents Chesapeake Structures as their dedicated Safety Director, providing multiple services including: • Bi-lingual OSHA 10 Hour classes • Competent Person certifications • Job site inspections • Records and documentation for client requirements – Site Safety Plans, JHA’s, etc.

I-81 Truck Rest Area Sinkhole repair
PILLAR was hired to design repairs for a sink hole appearing at the I-81, exit 14 truck rest area. Excavation work discovered the hole was underneath a run of storm sewer piping, which had collapsed and contributed to the subsidence of pavement. The sink hole was chocked with larger rock and layered with progressively smaller diameter aggregate. The storm sewer pipe was then re-laid and the subgrade brought up to subbase level with concrete pavement level with the surrounding pavement.

Retaining Wall Exit 150
For the I-81 Exit 150 interchange reconfiguration project, PILLAR designed the large retaining wall block system located on the northwest corner of the roundabout. After evaluating several different large retaining wall block systems, we settled on using the ReCon product. Our work also included obtaining permission from VDOT to use this product by addressing their maintenance concerns.

Georgia DOT P3 Office MMIP
PILLAR is working as a sub consultant to program manager HNTB to provide advice and OMR cost estimates for various P3 transportation projects as part of their Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP).

Illinois DOT P3 Office I-55
PILLAR is doing work as a sub consultant to Ernst & Young, teamed up with HNTB to provide advice and OMR cost estimates for the I-55 Managed Lanes project, which adds at least one Express Toll Lane with dynamic pricing in each direction of traffic.

Virginia DOT P3 Office- Hampton Roads ETL’s
Working as a sub consultant to Ernst & Young, PILLAR teamed with HNTB and others to provide advice and OMR cost estimates for various P3 transportation projects

PennDOT Rapid Bridge Replacement
PILLAR served as an advisor to a development team led by Kiewit/Infrared/Parsons. As part of its duties, PILLAR reviewed and commented on O&M subcontractor pricing and plans. This project aims to replace 558 aging spans throughout Pennsylvania with modern bridges.

Toronto 407 PH 2
PILLAR provided a second OMR estimate, drafted portions of the O&M report to the LTA, and wrote a full draft of an OMR technical proposal. Highway 407 is the world’s first all-electronic, open access toll highway.

Serving as an advisor to the successful development team of ACS/Infrared/Shikun Binui on TXDOT’s Drive 288 project. PILLAR provided a second OMR estimate, drafted portions of an O&M report to the LTA, and wrote a full draft of OMR technical proposal.

Regina Bypass
PILLAR was contracted to serve as an O&M advisor to a confidential client, with the scope of the work including a snow removal estimate for the bypass, which include 60 kilometers of four-lane highway and 12 new overpasses.

TXDOT New Harbor Bridge
PILLAR served as an advisor to Miller Infrastructures, an O&M subcontractor; prepared a routine O&M estimate for this project, the longest cable stay bridge in the U.S.

New Champlain Bridge (NBSL)
PILLAR was hired to write an operational O&M manual and schedule for this 3.4-kilometer span, one of the busiest in North America with 50 million vehicles crossing it each year.

Winnipeg Transit
PILLAR prepared an O&M routine and rehab price estimate, which included snow removal. This transitway is a high-speed road designed for buses, separate from the regular traffic system. This enables buses to get to and from downtown more quickly.

Calgary SW Ring Road
PILLAR was hired as an advisor to ACS, preparing a detailed snow plan and cost estimate for this 31-kilometer stretch of six- and eight-lane roadway in the Alberta province. The plan will enhance the safe, efficient movement of goods and people around Calgary.

CDOT I70 East
PILLAR was an O&M advisor to ACS Infrastructure/Hochtief/AECOM. In this role, PILLAR reviewed bid documents; assisted with bid strategy and subcontractor pricing, including a detailed snow plan; and assisted with O&M report to the LTA.

I-75 Modernization (Michigan)
PILLAR was contracted to serve as an O&M technical advisor to the Walsh-led team on the I-75 widening and reconstruction project, providing review and assessment for RFP documents and assisting bid strategy and pricing review.

Bastian Rest Area Ditches
With drainage ditches failing to convey stormwater runoff at the Bastian Rest Area due to years of wear by tractor trailers, PILLAR was hired to survey the ditch and design a remedy. Despite challenges posed by a limited area and presence of a slope, PILLAR came up with a solution to convey the runoff and prevent damage from occurring again.

Rest Area ADA Compliance
VDOT hired PILLAR to survey rest areas throughout Virginia, performing civil engineering duties to ensure ADA compliance.

Elk Creek Landslide Stabilization
PILLAR designed a slope stabilization repair to a landslide area at the mouth of an abandoned mine as part of its annual contract with the Virginia Department of Mine, Minerals & Energy (DMME). Rated as a Priority 1 project due to the danger of flooding damage to nearby property and residences, work included the following: soil nail placement to stabilize slope material; armoring of the slope to offer erosion control; and armoring of stream banks adjacent to the residences to help mitigate future property loss due to flooding.

Rest Area Condition Assessments
Hired by the maintenance contractor of various rest areas managed by VDOT, PILLAR performed a facility condition assessment of the rest areas. The resulting repair list of deficiencies and safety issues was provided to the contractor before it entered into a maintenance contract with VDOT so that it was fully aware of the physical state of the facilities.

Stormwater Basin Inventory and Assessment
VDOT District 2 needed to identify where their stormwater basins were located, as well as determine whether or not they were in proper working condition. PILLAR was hired to condition assess the basins throughout the district. Work included locating the top of basins using handheld GPS devices, documenting deficiencies and required repairs, and rating the overall condition and functionality of the basins.

Virginia International Raceway (VIR) must submit track details to Federation Internationale De L’automobile (FIA) to be a recognized motor racing circuit. PILLAR used mobile LiDAR to scan the entire facility to obtain and render a 3D terrain model of the VIR site in order to meet FIA requirements and be a certified venue. Track characteristics including centerline elevation and alignment, markings, barriers, run-off areas, kerbs, fences, pit lane and buildings needed to be documented and submitted in a prescribed CAD format. We used photographs and automatic feature extraction to locate and identify these characteristics, submitting them to FIA.

Rest Area Water & Wastewater Treatment O&M
VDOT’s Safety Rest Area task order required the management of water and wastewater sanitary sewer systems on rest areas not on publicly served systems. PILLAR, assisted by Bowman Consulting, performed program project management and program services, including permit reviews, site evaluations and inspections of work performed by the maintenance contractor, compliance inspections, operations and maintenance support.

Austinville Water Treatment Plant
PILLAR joined forces with several other engineering firms to help in the design and construction of the new water plant on the New River. PILLAR’s responsibility in the project included boundary and topographic survey and plats for design and construction inspection for the three divisions. Division 1 consisted of the plant and intake construction; Division II included the installation of the 30” raw and 24” finish water line; Division III encompassed the hanging of a 24” concrete insulated pipe on a steel girder bridge crossing the New River. The $17 million plant went operational six months ahead of schedule.