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Sinkholes: Do You Know the Signs of These Hidden Hazards?

Sinkholes pose significant risks to roads and the motorists who use them. Yet the first signs of trouble are subtle and can go unnoticed until serious damage occurs.

With PILLAR’s proven expertise at your side, you’ll have data and solutions at your fingertips that will transform the way your team manages sinkholes.

Common Warning Signs of Sinkholes

When sinkholes begin to form, the telltale signs are subtle but consistent. These include:

  • Circular or arced cracks in pavement or soil: Small circular or arced fissures that gradually widen, fault, or appear suddenly can indicate instability in the ground below.
  • Dips and depressions: Unexpected depressions in the ground or pavement, especially those that appear overnight, also warn of a potential sinkhole forming below.

With PILLAR’s sinkhole maintenance, you’ll be able to identify the start of a sinkhole quickly, saving you the time and money needed to battle a larger issue later.

Causes of Sinkholes

Sinkholes form as the results of both natural and human factors, and identifying the underlying cause is key to maintenance and prevention.

Natural triggers include underground water sources or repeated heavy rains that seep into the ground carrying away soil particles creating voids. Over time through repeated stresses, these voids increase underneath the surrounding soil and eventually cause the top layers to fall inward or sink. 

Sinkholes also can result from human causes such as leaking water, sewer, and stormwater pipes or poorly designed or maintained drainage systems that lead to similar erosion and soil instability.

Feel Prepared to Act in the Face of a Sinkhole Incident with PILLAR

To effectively manage sinkholes, you must know the condition of your drainage systems and pavement. The best way to do this is through a reliable collection and assessment system.

PILLAR has the expertise and experience to efficiently gather the needed data and respond to a sinkhole according to your DOT’s unique needs. Our approach can identify and make repair recommendations to correct any drainage issues, and ultimately remediate sinkhole-prone areas. If a sinkhole does occur, you’ll have PILLAR on your side to leverage data and make an action plan for a quick response.

Partner with PILLAR for Comprehensive Sinkhole Solutions

DOTs trust PILLAR for their transportation asset management because we offer a complete package that’s data-driven and cost effective. With PILLAR, you’ll always have efficient solutions at the ready. From start to finish, we keep you and your roadways on solid ground, detecting sinkholes when they start to form and offering rapid response to sinkhole incidents.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

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Respond Don’t React During Hurricane Season

Hurricane season brings significant threats, from powerful winds to devastating floods, as well as risks to both lives and property.

For transportation asset managers, your best defense is a proactive response plan that anticipates potential damage and puts protective measures and resources in place before you need them. 

PILLAR stands out in disaster preparedness efforts with its comprehensive collection and assessment services, ensuring you’re ready for the storm whenever it arrives.

Take a Proactive Approach to Disaster Preparedness

Highway slopes and signage are particularly vulnerable during hurricanes. 

Signage can be torn down or damaged by high winds and heavy rains, impacting navigation and safety for the traveling public. Knowing the precise location and condition of these assets prior to a hurricane allows for an efficient after-storm inventory to identify what needs to be replaced. 

Slopes are prone to erosion and landslides under the force of heavy rainfall, adding new hazards for travel. These slides can be deadly which is why stabilization is priority No. 1 and why having an experienced partner matters. PILLAR worked with a DOT to implement slide prevention by identifying over 15,000 square yards of slopes to be stabilized. 

In both cases, data is critical. With data you can prioritize repair and replacement efforts, reduce downtime and restore normal travel faster and efficiently, as well as document repairs for reimbursement purposes. 

Know the location of your assets

When a hurricane is approaching, you don’t want to be guessing. PILLAR provides its partners with robust data and resources through our proven CAPE approach: collection, assessment, planning, and execution. Our imagery scanning technology powers data collection at highway speeds to give you an unrivaled understanding of your assets at street level.

PILLAR’s collection services ensure thorough asset documentation which facilitates efficient recovery post-disaster. Our commitment to knowing the location of assets means that when a hurricane strikes, you can swiftly identify what needs attention, streamlining the restoration process.

Know the condition of your assets

PILLAR’s assessment services, particularly our Automated Feature Extraction System, offer a cutting-edge solution for evaluating asset condition. Our technology enables rapid assessment of damage, providing critical insights for decision-making. By knowing the condition of assets beforehand, you can better anticipate potential vulnerabilities and take preemptive measures to reinforce them.

Contact PILLAR

In times of crisis, having PILLAR as a proactive partner can make all the difference. Our integrated approach to disaster preparedness equips DOTs with the tools and knowledge needed to weather the storm. Contact PILLAR today and be ready to face the challenges of hurricane season head-on.

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National Work Zone Awareness Week:
April 15-19

Each year the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) works to elevate roadway safety through its National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW). The week-long campaign will be observed April 15-19 highlighting the theme, “Work zones are temporary. Actions behind the wheel can last forever.”

Work Zones Are More Dangerous Than Ever: How to Stay Safe

NWZAW’s 2024 theme is timely. According to a story by USA Today, 857 people died, including 117 road construction workers, in work zone crashes in 2020. This number represents a 10-year high for road construction deaths and crashes. 

In response to the increasing number of crashes and fatalities, the Federal Highway Administration urges drivers to plan ahead, slow down and minimize distractions to prevent life-threatening accidents. Staying alert and cautious in work zones is non-negotiable to preserve driver and worker safety.

Participate in National Work Zone Awareness Week

In addition to adopting safe driving practices, you can help increase road construction worker safety by supporting NWZAW this year. Here are some steps you can take to spread awareness of work zone safety across the nation.

April 15: Work Zone Safety Training Day

This national stand down encourages employers and workers to pause during the day to participate in safety demonstrations, training in hazard recognition and fall prevention and focus on other important prevention steps to maximize the safety in work zones.

April 16: National kickoff event

This year’s NWZAW kickoff is on Tuesday, April 16, and is hosted by the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). Join the kickoff festivities by hosting your own NWZAW kickoff event! Follow and tag #NWZAW on social media to spread the word.

April 17: Go Orange Day

On Wednesday, April 17, roadway safety workers across America are encouraged to wear orange to proudly show their support for work zone safety. Post your pics on social media with #NWZAW and #Orange4Safety to show your support of the roadway safety industry and of families of victims who have lost their lives in work zones.

April 18: Social Media Storm

Participate in the NWZAW social media storm on Thursday, April 18 from 9am-4pm ET. Join the conversation by taking to social media and sharing messages and pictures of roadway safety and be sure to include the hashtags #NWZAW and #WorkzoneSafety. If you need some inspiration, check out the NWZAW Promotion Guide for posts and examples.

April 19: Moment of Silence

The moment of silence began in 2022 and we will continue the tradition this year. Join PILLAR as we observe a moment of silence to honor those who’ve lost their lives in work zone incidents.

John Meola

PILLAR Supports Work Zone Safety

This year, PILLAR will observe Work Zone Safety Training Day and Go Orange Day to promote a greater awareness of safety protocols for work zones. Most importantly, we will remember John Meola, our former safety director and friend who we lost in 2023. 

John was a consummate and enthusiastic safety professional and beloved by the PILLAR Team. In addition to his work as a safety professional, John was a found object artist, using scrap metal to craft stunning sculptures, including the Lakeside Bike Sculpture, which he composed of recycled bicycles and bicycle parts. John’s sculpture is permanently installed at the Lakeside Farmer’s Market. To honor John’s memory and enduring legacy, PILLAR has designed and installed a plaque to accompany the sculpture that details his work as an artist and safety professional. We will unveil the plaque during NWZAW, to commemorate his passion and contribution to safety and risk mitigation services. 

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) helps the message of safety grow because of support and involvement from organizations and individuals like you. PILLAR is proud to support work zone safety this and every week. Our services can improve roadway, driver, and worker safety. Browse our website to learn more.

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Bridges on the Brink:
DOTs Overwhelmed by Bridge Inspections

Most DOT asset managers have tens of thousands of bridges to maintain at acceptable service levels. That’s a lot of inspections and condition assessments to work through, not to mention getting the maintenance done. Worrying about the condition and safety of the bridges you are responsible for is enough to keep you up at night.    

While bridge inspections and maintenance are critical to preventing catastrophic incidents, they are typically time-consuming and expensive to execute, pulling on already thin department resources. That’s why PILLAR offers solutions in the form of technology, condition assessment, maintenance plans, and more. We can help you stay organized, quickly identify needs, and address repair and maintenance recommendations so drivers stay safe.

Challenges of Bridge Assessments

Most bridges are inspected every one to two years. This may not seem daunting at first, but consider that a DOT alone manages more than 21,000 bridges and structures. The sheer volume is staggering and each of those bridge inspections can present several challenges:

  • Inspecting large numbers of bridges within limited timeframes and budgets can be difficult so managers must thread the needle of thoroughness and efficiency. 
  • Bridge inspections generate vast amounts of data. 
  • Managing and analyzing this data effectively can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Tracking and executing maintenance recommendations for tens of thousands of bridges requires serious manpower and can be overwhelming.

PILLAR Balances Thoroughness with Efficiency in Bridge Assessment

At PILLAR, we specialize in managing and maintaining transportation infrastructure, helping DOTs and management companies make the most of their resources and keep the public safe. 

Our team is comprised of a unique combination multidisciplined professionals including structural engineers and data analysts. In addition to our decades of tactical, strategic, and operational experience, we have the technology and expertise available to collect and manage your data and use to develop a maintenance plan for any bridge. Here’s how we can help:

  • Quantity Verification: We go into the field to verify the needs identified in your bridge assessment reports. Next, we collate the data, bundling similar repairs on several bridges. With this information you can quickly formulate a contract for completing the repairs.
  • Get Repairs Done FastIf you have a backlog of maintenance tasks, we can help! Our experienced maintenance professionals can supplement your staff and oversee repairs. You’ll have the job done professionally and efficiently.  
  • Documentation & Data Analysis: At PILLAR, we help you get more from your data. We’re experts at normalizing data and putting into a format you can use quickly. When you work with us, you’ll never spend hours sifting through hard copies trying to find critical information about repairs. We’ll digitize your reports so you can easily find what you need.
  • Risk Assessment: With PILLAR, you can evaluate risks through identified defects or deterioration. We compare current condition data with historical records to assess deterioration rates and trends so you can quickly prioritize maintenance and repair actions based on the severity of the condition. 

If you’re ready to take control of your bridge maintenance, contact us. Our team of experts is ready to speak with you about how we can help.

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Winter Weather Response: In-Storm Management Optimization

Winter is here. It’s only a matter of time before a winter storm hits. Unless you’re prepared, it can quickly turn into one of your worst bad days.

Transportation asset managers know how much goes into winter storm highway management. If you’re not prepared, winter weather can cause chaos for motorists and slick and snow-covered roads can lead to property damage, injuries and, at worst, fatalities.

Having an emergency response plan in place is critical for snow storm highway response. As your trusted asset management partner, PILLAR can help you be prepared with an in-storm management plan before winter weather arrives. 

Essential tasks on your winter storm emergency response plan include:

  • Set snow and ice removal priorities and have a plan to reallocate resources to optimize traffic flow. 
  • Create an emergency response vehicle plan by contracting with wreckers and tow trucks to respond to motorists in need quickly. Pre-planning and developing open lines of communication ensure that wreckers and tow trucks are ready collaborate with emergency services and offer rapid responses to accidents or stranded motorists.
  • Be ready to provide continuous monitoring, tracking the storm’s progress and adjusting response efforts accordingly. Regular assessment of road conditions will help prioritize what needs immediate attention.
  • Develop a public communication plan to provide information about road conditions, closures, and travel advisories through digital platforms including social media, websites, and local media. This should include outreach before a storm to educate the public on safe winter driving practices and recommended equipment. 
  • Collaborate with neighboring jurisdictions. Be ready to coordinate snow and ice removal with neighboring counties and municipalities to optimize road clearing, resources, and response times. 
  • Pre-treatment of roadways. Apply anti-icing solutions before the storm arrives, and for steep slope roadways in colder areas, consider additionally applying sand and grit for enhanced traction. 
  • Facilitate online NIMS training for your team. The online training course through the National Incident Management System ensures you’ll be ready when a storm hits.

Start Preparing for the Next Winter Storm

Don’t face a winter storm alone. PILLAR is ready to work beside your team to optimize snow management plans and implement efficiencies, putting the brakes on a bad winter day before it happens. Contact us today and let’s get to work on a proactive in-storm management plan.

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Don’t Slide on Slope Stabilization

As a transportation asset manager, one of your worst bad days is to receive an alert that a slope collapsed on one of your roadways. This treacherous situation can result in fatalities and/or roadway closures and require significant expenditures to repair. 

Put a plan in place to help prevent this bad day scenario from happening in the first place. Keep your slopes maintained and safe with a proactive management plan from PILLAR. In 2023, our team helped one DOT implement a slide prevention program by identifying over 15,000 square yards of slopes requiring stabilization BEFORE disaster struck — and our cutting-edge collection methods can help your agency do the same.

The Issue

Engineered slopes can become unstable over time from weather events, erosion and other factors. Stabilization counters these issues, protecting their long-term viability and preventing rockslides and other slope failures.

Slope stabilization includes a number of implemented techniques designed to remedy an unstable or inadequately stable slope. The purpose is to increase the Factor of Safety of a slope to a level that is considered adequate.

Stabilization methods vary depending on the slope, its location, and surround environment. 

The Solution

PILLAR’s proactive slope erosion mitigation planning offers thorough evaluation and remediation. Our approach includes:

Site assessment and engineering analysis. We combine the technology of Mobile LiDAR with on-the-ground manual inspection to evaluate the geological and hydrological characteristics of your slopes. Through this, our professionals can identify any potential instability triggers, such as rainfall, snowmelt, earthquakes, or human activities. Where needed, we will test the soil and rock properties for cohesion, friction and strength as well as assess the groundwater conditions. This gives you a complete and accurate picture of your slope.

Scaling. Removing loose or potentially unstable material improves the geography of a slope. Scaling is an efficient way to prevent rockslides on natural or newly created slopes and can be conducted regularly as part of routine maintenance. Scaling methods include hand or mechanical scaling or by small scale blasting, also known as trim blasting.

Structural measures. Reinforcement systems such as retaining walls, soil nails, micropiles, rock bolts and shear pins work externally to protect the slope from weather and erosion or work internally to give extra strength to the rock mass.  The PILLAR team has more than 100 years of combined experience working with and for municipalities and departments of transportation and has the expertise to ensure these measures are done in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.

Non-structural measures. Landscaping and drainage provide additional protection to slopes. Added vegetation can improve slope stability by enhancing soil cohesion and fighting erosion. Drainage is critical to allow water to escape from rock slope, further mitigating the effects of erosion and freeze-thaw cycles that can fracture rock. Drainage can include horizontal weep drains or holes drilled into large rock faces. 

Continual monitoring and maintenance. PILLAR’s support doesn’t end with recommendations. We remain vigilant over time, continually assessing your slopes for any signs of deterioration or instability.

Emergency response and public awareness. We ensure that slope stabilization work includes the proper signage needed to raise awareness to the traveling public about stabilization efforts and potential hazards. In the unfortunate event of an unexpected slop failure or natural disasters, PILLAR will be beside you to develop an emergency response plan.

Eradicate Unstable Slopes Today

Slope slides can be deadly, so make proactive stabilization priority No. 1. With unmatched experience and state-of-the-art technology, PILLAR is your trusted slope erosion mitigation  partner. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and let’s make your slopes — and roadways — the safest they can be.

Complete the contact form below to learn more about our services.

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Time for Roadside Vegetation Maintenance:
Ensuring Safer Roads

It’s time to gear up your crews for a crucial task. As the trees prepare to shed their leaves in preparation for fall and winter, the upcoming months provide an ideal opportunity to tackle essential roadside tree trimming and highway vegetation control. This initiative not only enhances the safety of your community’s roadways but also benefits all those who travel on them.

Here are several compelling reasons why regular roadside tree trimming should be a top priority:

1.) Enhanced Safety

Unchecked growth of trees and shrubs can pose significant safety hazards for road users. Overgrown branches, shrubs, and other vegetation obstruct visibility, making it challenging for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to spot crucial elements such as road signs, oncoming traffic, and the path of the road itself.

It’s imperative to remove any limbs or vegetation that obstruct a driver’s line of sight, especially in curves or at intersections. All signs should remain clearly visible from every angle and at a considerable distance. For instance, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, critical signs like stop, yield, and wrong-way signs should be discernible from 250 feet away on roads with a 30mph speed limit and 600 feet away on roads with a 60mph speed limit.

2.) Tree Health

Regular and proper trimming practices help manage the growth of shrubs and trees, ensuring their continued health and strength. This reduces the likelihood of branches falling onto roadways and sidewalks, thus mitigating potential hazards.

It is essential to remove dead or ailing trees and shrubs, as these could become serious threats to road users.

3.) Infrastructure Health

Trees and shrubs possess aggressive root systems that can penetrate pavement and affect drainage pipes and other roadside infrastructure. Eliminating young trees near roadways can prevent future issues from arising.

Vegetation adjacent to roadways can also disrupt stormwater drainage, leading to water accumulation on and near the road. This not only damages pavement but also creates safety concerns for vehicles.

Additionally, removing trees near the road facilitates snow plowing and prevents the development of unexpected icy patches during winter months.

4.) Cost-Efficiency

In simple terms, the cost of routine tree and shrub maintenance and brush removal is minimal compared to the potential damage they can cause. Taking proactive measures is far more cost-effective than reacting to the aftermath of accidents or incidents involving trees, brush, or other vegetation.

Establishing a comprehensive vegetation maintenance plan and implementing it can also reduce liability in case of unfortunate incidents involving trees, brush, or vegetation.

Create a Plan with PILLAR

PILLAR is your trusted partner in devising an effective and proactive vegetation management plan to save time, money, and lives. 

PILLAR offers a range of services, from identifying problematic areas and prioritizing needs to drafting contracts and budgeting, for DOTs of every size. Our satisfied partners include a DOT that needed to address overgrown trees and vegetation over 500 centerline miles plus corresponding ramps and intersections. 

Our expertise and experience guarantee the successful management of your plan.  Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and let’s make your roadways safer for all.

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Can You Read the Signs?
Inventory and Fix Faded & Missing Roadway Signs Quickly

The traveling public relies on roadway signs for navigation and information. But keeping track of hundreds or thousands of signs is a challenge. PILLAR’s inventory service and assessment tools will help you replace faded and missing roadway signs and stop potential problems for drivers before they start.

Signs of Trouble

Faded roadway signs. Drivers rely on a sign’s brightness and reflectivity to get information at a glance. Faded signs are frustrating and can be dangerous.

Missing signs. Signs go missing regularly for a variety of reasons, such as unreported accidents, theft and extreme weather. 

Misplaced signs. It can be a challenge for DOTs and localities to map out every existing sign or even know if they’re installed in the best location. 

Boost Your Signal

PILLAR has the solution. We’ve helped DOT districts of all sizes collect inventory and mark the location of their signs — including a project that has 100,000+ signage assets. We then assess the condition of those assets, create a detailed list of damaged and missing assets with cost estimates and put a replacement program in place for the DOT or municipal operations and maintenance division to follow.

No matter your staffing levels, PILLAR will help you work smarter throughout the lifespan of your roadway signage with our multi-phased approach:


PILLAR has the expertise to use various inventory collection methods, from high-tech Mobile LiDAR scanning to traditional surveying to locate all of your roadway signs at marked speeds. We map, catalog and document your assets, putting valuable information at your fingertips.


PILLAR’s team of specialized condition assessors then reviews your assets, offering a full range of expert evaluation, including:

  • Predictive data analytics, proving an estimate of when a sign will need replaced
  • Visual inspection
  • Condition rating
  • Life expectancy
  • Risk analysis


After inspection, the PILLAR team will create a proactive and cost-effective asset management plan for any needed roadway sign replacement that includes cost estimates and cost-saving options over the long term. Recommendations may include:

  • Priority based replacement
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Area clustering, or replacing multiple signs in a specific area to save on labor and equipment costs
  • Consider switching to smart signs that are dynamic and allow motorists to see critical information immediately


Our team can collaborate with your employees and event track all the details of your management plan, including: 

  • Contacting, supporting in-house employees or hired contractors
  • Scheduling
  • Installation

Once your plan is executed, PILLAR continues our work with continued data management, regularly updating your signage catalog and monitor the condition of your assets. We can even deploy technology such as RFID or QR codes to monitor each sign’s condition and maintenance history.

Monitor Your Signs Better with PILLAR

Faded and missing roadway signs aren’t just unsightly, they can be dangerous for drivers. With PILLAR’s inventory service and assessment tools, your municipality will have a trusted partner and a proactive plan for roadway sign replacement. Contact PILLAR for a free consultation and see how we can help.

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Solving Congested Rest & Parking Areas for Commercial Drivers

According to the American Trucking Association, there were 3.54 million truck drivers working in American in 2022. That’s a 1.5% increase from 2021. The industry is exploding thanks in no small part to the continuing increase in e-commerce, which has significantly increased demand of delivery services. 

Unfortunately, truck parking capacity has not been able to keep pace with the high industry growth, creating a series of bad days for commercial drivers and their employers.

Trucking’s Parking Problem

The trucking industry has struggled with congested rest and parking areas for commercial drivers for over a decade. The Federal Highway Administration estimates that there are just 300,000 spaces available and many states have closed down rest areas as part of cost-cutting strategies. Drivers themselves often have to sacrifice valuable drive time to find and claim a safe spot, if they can find one.

It’s not uncommon for drivers to enter rest areas only to find that they are completely full. This situation forces them to park in unsafe conditions on the side of busy highways, or drive the wrong way in an effort to leave the full rest area in search of another. 

Asset Management Solutions to Congested Rest Areas

The parking issue for trucking companies is a serious safety and liability issue. Trucks moving against traffic, parked on highway shoulders, or fatigued commercial drivers behind the wheel can cause life-threatening accidents for themselves and other drivers sharing the road.  

PILLAR can help prevent unsafe conditions by implementing an effective mix of technology and thoughtful planning.  

  • Parking Availability Counters: When it comes to rest areas, communication is key. PILLAR can equip rest areas with parking space counters that telegraph the number of available spaces before a truck ever pulls into the lot.
  • Signage: Truckers should never back up or drive against rest area traffic. We work with you to install appropriate signage to guide drivers through a rest area and back onto the highway in accordance with the traffic pattern. 
  • Parking Availability Communication: Good communication can result in good organization. Using weight sensing traffic counters, PILLAR can devise and implement a system of communication that keeps drivers informed while on their routes.
  • Rest Area Reconfiguration: Building new rest areas or even adding additional space for parking spots can be cost prohibitive for some municipalities. We can help make the most efficient use of existing rest area footprint. By reconfiguring the layout of your rest area, we can make more spaces available and mitigate expenses. 

Contact PILLAR and Resolve Congested Rest & Parking Areas for Commercial Drivers

PILLAR is a transportation asset management firm dedicated to maximizing the lifecycle of your assets. Our multidisciplinary team of experts is ready to help you stop bad days before the start through proactive collection, assessment, planning, and execution. Work smarter, not harder with PILLAR. Contact us for help managing your congested rest and parking areas.

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Wrong Way Delineation: Techniques and Prevention

Fatalities from wrong-way driving are on the rise. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, traffic fatalities caused by wrong-way driving accidents increased from 451 in 2016 to 507 in 2020. With the troubling upward trend, more DOTs have begun investigating ways to address wrong-way driving and prevent unnecessary traffic fatalities.

Wrong-Way Driving a Growing Concern

The prevalence of these incidents is a growing concern for DOTS, localities, and law enforcement. For example, Connecticut saw a dramatic uptick in fatal wrong-way crashes, moving from just two in 2020 to 13 in 2023. The CTDOT proactively investigated ways to stop dangerous wrong driving to combat this worrying trend.

The CTDOT determined impaired drivers caused the majority of accidents they faced. They implemented a preemptive plan to keep their motorists safe, including installing extra signage in close proximity to establishments that served alcohol, deploying high-tech electronic signage that warned other drivers of danger, and implementing a real-time alert system for emergency responders.

Wrong-Way Driving Prevention: Techniques, Strategies, and Technology

Prevention measures are key to staying ahead of the risks to keep motorists safe. As the CTDOT has shown, several techniques and emerging technologies can help prevent wrong-way driving and keep motorists safe. 

  • Wrong-way signs: Signage is the classic first step in alerting motorists that they are traveling in the wrong direction. These signs are strategically installed so they catch the eye only of vehicles traveling in the wrong direction, hopefully stopping tragedy before it occurs. 
  • Directional rumble strips: These special rumble strips are designed to activate only if a driver is traveling the wrong way. These directional rumble strips will alert wrong-way drivers through vibration and sound that something is amiss, giving them a chance to stop. 
  • Technology on exit ramps: New technology uses cameras to detect wrong-way drivers and immediately flash bright red LED lights to let them know they are driving the wrong way. Additional technology can notify state police in real-time, dramatically shortening response time. 
  • Variable electronic message signs: These signs protect drivers who are traveling in the correct direction but who are at risk for head-on collisions with wrong-way drivers in their area. When a wrong-way driver is in the area, these electronic signs can immediately warn drivers to beware. 
  • Prioritizing upgrades at high-risk exit ramps: High-risk exit ramps include ramps that are near locations that serve alcohol. Studies found a direct relationship between drinking and driving the wrong way on a divided highway, showing that individuals with BACs greater than or equal to 0.08 g/dL had an odds ratio of 18.36 for driving the wrong way. Prioritizing exit ramps that match these characteristics is of the utmost importance and can decrease the number of wrong-way accidents and fatalities.
  • Reconfigure Rest Areas: Rest areas can be widened, reconfiguring the space to accommodate more drivers and preventing the need for tractor-trailers to move in the wrong direction on a highway.

Make Your Roads Safer with PILLAR

Wrong-way driving often results in head-on collisions with significant injuries or death. Traffic fatalities have devastating ripple effects on families and communities. PILLAR is poised to help your municipality tackle the issue of wrong-way driving through our proven CAPE approach. We can help you collect data to determine the cause of wrong-way driving in your area and then plan and execute a plan that makes your roads safer. 

PILLAR is a trusted partner of DOTs across the country and has a successful record of helping them stop bad days before they start. If you’re ready to address the risks of wrong-way driving in your community, contact PILLAR for a free consultation and see how we can help.