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sidewalk sinkhole

Sinkholes: Do You Know the Signs of These Hidden Hazards?

Sinkholes pose significant risks to roads and the motorists who use them. Yet the first signs of trouble are subtle and can go unnoticed until serious damage occurs. With PILLAR’s proven expertise at your side, you’ll have data and solutions at your fingertips that will transform the way your team manages sinkholes. Common Warning Signs […]

Miami LiDAR photo

Respond Don’t React During Hurricane Season

Hurricane season brings significant threats, from powerful winds to devastating floods, as well as risks to both lives and property. For transportation asset managers, your best defense is a proactive response plan that anticipates potential damage and puts protective measures and resources in place before you need them.  PILLAR stands out in disaster preparedness efforts […]

heavy equipment

Is Your Budget Strategy Costing You Thousands? You May Need an Annual Equipment Budget

Operating and maintaining complex transportation projects requires proactive planning, expertise, and the right tools for the job. Without proper preparation, you risk missing the right resources, purchasing equipment on the fly, and damaging your bottom line. Fortunately, annual equipment budgets can help—they lower the likelihood of being caught unaware and unprepared when a crisis inevitably […]

man looking at computer screen

Don’t Let the Data Dilemma Slow You Down:
AFES Extraction for Existing GIS Data

In the realm of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), data reigns supreme. It rightfully serves as the foundation for decisions, strategies, and projects for many DOTs. However, the abundance of GIS data often leads to a conundrum: how do we use it effectively? Sifting through data to find the answers you need can be an inefficient […]

man inspecting bridge

Bridges on the Brink:
DOTs Overwhelmed by Bridge Inspections

Most DOT asset managers have tens of thousands of bridges to maintain at acceptable service levels. That’s a lot of inspections and condition assessments to work through, not to mention getting the maintenance done. Worrying about the condition and safety of the bridges you are responsible for is enough to keep you up at night.     […]

guardrail hit notification on iphone

AI in the Transportation Industry:
Fusing Human Experience with Powerful Computing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been utilized in the background of many professions for years to analyze data and provide users with evidence-based predictions and recommendations. As developments in AI continue to make headlines, the news is greeted with a mixture of excitement and concern. It’s understandably a hot topic across industries and transportation is no […]

Staff Shortages Leave Critical Work Undone 

Calm the chaos with Staff Augmentation. A tight job market, retirements, cutbacks and hiring freezes create chaos for transportation operations and maintenance teams, often leaving jobs unfilled and critical maintenance undone. Calm your chaos with staff augmentation, a solution that temporarily adds experienced people to your team when and where you need them. Last year, PILLAR […]

PILLAR’s Technical Writers Provide Vital Resources for DOTs

Don’t face another day mired in paperwork. PILLAR has full-time technical writers ready to step in to develop contracts and technical documents for your agency.  Technical writers are a critical resource for your transportation asset management and operations team because they create documentation, contracts and other written materials that help keep transportation systems moving forward. […]