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Progress Park – Lot 12 Rail
PILLAR’s inspection department was hired by Wythe County to inspect and oversee the installation of a rail spur line into the county’s industrial park. We performed site visits and provided progress reports with payment qualities to ensure the job was done to specifications.

Progress Park – Reed Creek Interceptor Sewage Line
Wythe County hired PILLAR to inspect the installation of a new sewer line and pump station from Progress Park to an existing main. We observed the installation, testing, water monitoring of the new line, reviewed the contractor’s pay schedule for accuracy and provided daily logs of progress and material documentation, as well as helped solve problems in the field. Special construction circumstances included boring under both Norfolk & Southern Railroad and Reed Creek.

Wythe County 20″ Water Line Extension
PILLAR was contracted to monitor and inspect the installation and final work product of a new 20-inch water line which will eventually tie into the Austinville Water Plant and service Wythe County’s industrial park. We observed installation, testing, and water monitoring, while provided guidance to help solve issues in the field. PILLAR reviewed the contractor’s pay schedule for accuracy and provided daily logs of progress and material documentation.

Progress Park – Gator Lane
PILLAR’s inspection department was hired by Wythe County to inspect and oversee the construction of a new road leading to the Gatorade Processing Plant in the Progress Park industrial park. The project also included a railroad crossing. PILLAR conducted site visits and provided progress reports with payment qualities to the county.

USDA Rural Development Inspections
PILLAR, Inc. was contracted by the USDA to provide construction inspection services on an as-needed basis and provided all resources necessary to accomplish the required services for a 12 month period throughout various areas within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The inspection services included observing on-site construction in progress to verify how the work was proceeding; recording all building components, construction practices, and material storage/delivery practices which may not be in compliance.

Austinville Water Treatment Plant
PILLAR joined forces with several other engineering firms to help in the design and construction of the new water plant on the New River. PILLAR’s responsibility in the project included boundary and topographic survey and plats for design and construction inspection for the three divisions. Division 1 consisted of the plant and intake construction; Division II included the installation of the 30” raw and 24” finish water line; Division III encompassed the hanging of a 24” concrete insulated pipe on a steel girder bridge crossing the New River. The $17 million plant went operational six months ahead of schedule.