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VIR Bridge
There is an overpass bridge at Virginia International Raceway that carries pedestrians and vehicles from the entrance to the paddocks, parking and race spectator areas. Made out of three steel flatbed railcars laid side to side, the structure rests on a concrete backwall. PILLAR was hired to perform a structural inspection to note the condition of observable elements and provide suggested maintenance treatments.

PennDOT Rapid Bridge Replacement
PILLAR served as an advisor to a development team led by Kiewit/Infrared/Parsons. As part of its duties, PILLAR reviewed and commented on O&M subcontractor pricing and plans. This project aims to replace 558 aging spans throughout Pennsylvania with modern bridges.

Toronto 407 PH 2
PILLAR provided a second OMR estimate, drafted portions of the O&M report to the LTA, and wrote a full draft of an OMR technical proposal. Highway 407 is the world’s first all-electronic, open access toll highway.

Serving as an advisor to the successful development team of ACS/Infrared/Shikun Binui on TXDOT’s Drive 288 project. PILLAR provided a second OMR estimate, drafted portions of an O&M report to the LTA, and wrote a full draft of OMR technical proposal.

Regina Bypass
PILLAR was contracted to serve as an O&M advisor to a confidential client, with the scope of the work including a snow removal estimate for the bypass, which include 60 kilometers of four-lane highway and 12 new overpasses.

TXDOT New Harbor Bridge
PILLAR served as an advisor to Miller Infrastructures, an O&M subcontractor; prepared a routine O&M estimate for this project, the longest cable stay bridge in the U.S.

New Champlain Bridge (NBSL)
PILLAR was hired to write an operational O&M manual and schedule for this 3.4-kilometer span, one of the busiest in North America with 50 million vehicles crossing it each year.

Winnipeg Transit
PILLAR prepared an O&M routine and rehab price estimate, which included snow removal. This transitway is a high-speed road designed for buses, separate from the regular traffic system. This enables buses to get to and from downtown more quickly.

Calgary SW Ring Road
PILLAR was hired as an advisor to ACS, preparing a detailed snow plan and cost estimate for this 31-kilometer stretch of six- and eight-lane roadway in the Alberta province. The plan will enhance the safe, efficient movement of goods and people around Calgary.

CDOT I70 East
PILLAR was an O&M advisor to ACS Infrastructure/Hochtief/AECOM. In this role, PILLAR reviewed bid documents; assisted with bid strategy and subcontractor pricing, including a detailed snow plan; and assisted with O&M report to the LTA.

I-75 Modernization (Michigan)
PILLAR was contracted to serve as an O&M technical advisor to the Walsh-led team on the I-75 widening and reconstruction project, providing review and assessment for RFP documents and assisting bid strategy and pricing review.

Virginia International Raceway (VIR) must submit track details to Federation Internationale De L’automobile (FIA) to be a recognized motor racing circuit. PILLAR used mobile LiDAR to scan the entire facility to obtain and render a 3D terrain model of the VIR site in order to meet FIA requirements and be a certified venue. Track characteristics including centerline elevation and alignment, markings, barriers, run-off areas, kerbs, fences, pit lane and buildings needed to be documented and submitted in a prescribed CAD format. We used photographs and automatic feature extraction to locate and identify these characteristics, submitting them to FIA.